Forum Discussion

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Dec 22, 2024

Merry Christmas to All


The Gift of Sharing

A few of us share by nature, some of us had to learn it. Sharing is something that does not necessarily come naturally. Sharing seems particularly hard when asked to share something that is a treasure, or something earned—a privilege, a reward, or something earned from hard work.

There’s something powerful about generosity that transcends the act itself. It’s more than just a transaction; it’s a reflection of the heart. Let’s be real for a moment—life is busy. We’ve got work, family, responsibilities, and a whole lot of distractions. It’s easy to fall into the mindset of just trying to get through the day, focused on our own needs and wants. But here’s the thing: when we shift our focus outward, when we look for ways to share and help those around us, something amazing happens. We tap into a joy that can’t be found in accumulating more for ourselves.

Generosity isn’t just about big, grand gestures. It’s about the small, everyday choices we make to help others. It’s about listening to a coworker who’s having a tough day, helping a neighbor with their groceries, or donating to a cause that’s close to your heart. These acts of sharing, no matter how small, are opportunities to live out the truth in your heart.

As we move forward this week, I want to encourage you to look for ways to share what you have. Maybe it’s time, maybe it’s resources, maybe it’s just a word of encouragement. Whatever it is, give it freely, it truly is more rewarding to give than to receive.

At its essence, sharing is the act of giving something to someone else so that they too can enjoy it. Understanding the significance of sharing goes beyond the mere exchange of material possessions; it encompasses the cultivation of empathy and the recognition of interconnected humanity. Cultivating a spirit of sharing and caring involves creating a supportive and nurturing environment that encourages the expression of kindness and empathy towards others.

The gift of time is our most precious commodity. In our fast-paced world, time is often the most scarce resource. Yet, when we give our time to others, we’re offering a part of our life that we’ll never get back. This makes it the most precious gift of all. Volunteering at a local shelter or simply lending an ear to a friend in need are acts of generosity that can leave lasting impressions.

My guess, is that you read the start of this post and assumed I’d be focusing on how we can be better at sharing with others. Being surrounded by individualistic attitudes makes it all too easy to avoid asking for help and, when we do ask for help, to resent the whole sharing process. At the root of this attitude is the perception that being shared with (and asking of help) is a weakness on our part and an inconvenience on the part of the ‘sharer’. The truth of the matter is this: being shared with is good! Sharing is a gift to both the person being shared with and to the person sharing. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness but a sign of belonging. Envision what a world full of people could be like that love and be loved, apologize and forgive, teach and be taught, laugh and lament, and work together and be together. Never imagine that there is any gift greater than that of sharing life with others.