Forum Discussion

flyfishing48's avatar
Nov 29, 2017

26 from I 25 to I 10 ?

Planing to take 26 from Hatch AZ to Deming AZ. Looks ok looking at Satelite images, but anything to be concerned with towing a 34 ft 5er that way?
The route looks pretty flat and straight.
  • You won't have any trouble with that route though the streets in Hatch are a little tight. It makes a nice shortcut and I've driven it many times. As noted if low on fuel get it in Hatch on the east side of town as you come in from I-25, on your left.

  • Thanks for the quick replies.
    As far as the AZ/NM switch.....must have a bit early in the morning for my brain. That’s what Iam going with anyhow.
  • Good road and you can buy some chile when you are passing through Hatch. Stop and eat at Sparkys on the corner (Hall and Franklin the two main drags) for a famous burger and/or BBQ. Or go on over to Deming and stop at Lot-a-Burger as you come into town on your right, there is a big empty dirt lot behind it to park in. The 5R travel Center on the left after turning onto US 180 at the edge of Deming is a good easy in/out fuel point. The Pic-Wik in Hatch is generally crowded as a fuel stop. The 5R in Deming has more room to maneuver.
  • Good road for RVs although both Hatch and Deming are in NM, probably just a misprint by OP.
  • First off, Hatch and Deming are in New Mexico!

    The road is an excellent 2 lane road with a few small hills coming out of Hatch. Saves a bunch of miles by bypassing Las Cruces.

  • Only one gas station in Hatch . Nothing else until you get to Demming. A good two lane . Last time I was on it was 10-2017.