VintageRacer wrote:
FWIW I always stay at truck stops, never at rest stops. I find them far safer, it's legal, there are good facilities, stores, often a quite nice restaurant, etc. Just my way, I suppose.
I may have met you in the past. I haven't seen a Lola for awhile but I marshaled (and one year ran the gas pump) at AMP. My BIL was actually building two formula Vs when the class dissapeared.. Good times.
I live in Port the beautiful Annapolis Valley.
What complicated this somewhat is that we are using a new to us TV and Rig and am not sure how far / hard we can push. We normally do this run in a car. And the wife really isn't on board with this idea but circumstances are dictation this.
We are actually heading to Ivy Lee so your information is good.
Could you define the difference between a truck stop and a rest stop because I do see class 8s in at rest stops. Would a truck stop be where there is a large gas station / fast food place like the Big stop Aulac, NB ?
So when you slide in back, you keep your slides in and stay attached ? Walmart etiquette so to speak ?
Thanks, Ian.