Barneymissy wrote:
Thanks all. Nixing 395. Sounds like 97 out of Medford south to I-5 south to Sacramento, then 99 and I-40 to Yosemite. And thanks for the heads up on the fire. We'll keep an eye on that - Not leaving until early September.
It's State Highway 140, not I-40. Are you planning on camping outside the park and taking the toad in? And as already pointed out, the fire up there has everything messed up right now and it's predicted to last several more weeks. Also, the waterfalls are still running full and may be all summer, but the drawback to that is every body and their brother goes up there on weekends and it is packed! We tried to go up just to drive over Tioga for the day, and the line at the 120 gate was over three miles long. I turned around and didn't go in. They say it's even pretty crowded during the week, but you should at least be able to get in. The earliest in the morning you can get to the gate the better.