Dec-26-2016 03:54 AM
Jan-01-2017 11:05 AM
Dec-30-2016 12:20 PM
Dec-30-2016 04:41 AM
DrewE wrote:fulltimedaniel wrote:
Consider this: The Milepost is updated EVERY YEAR. The Churches book is years out of date.
There is a new (7th) edition of Church's book coming out on January 15th. You can get it on preorder at Amazon now. Whether or not the information inside is all up to date is, of course, somewhat of a different question, and one I won't be able to answer until sometime after the 15th (and perhaps not for a good long time afterwards).
Dec-29-2016 09:30 PM
fulltimedaniel wrote:
Consider this: The Milepost is updated EVERY YEAR. The Churches book is years out of date.
Dec-29-2016 09:08 PM
Dec-29-2016 05:08 AM
Dec-28-2016 07:31 PM
Dec-28-2016 07:49 AM
Dec-28-2016 02:47 AM
Dec-27-2016 07:25 PM
Dec-27-2016 01:41 PM
Dec-27-2016 01:28 PM
Dec-27-2016 08:04 AM
Dec-27-2016 03:44 AM