It’s been a few months since this post was really moving along, however today, someone asked a question and the tread is alive again.
I will add a couple of comments:
Slow driving:
If your going to drive slow because of wildlife, road conditions or just to better view the sights, check your mirrors often and if you start backing up traffic, pull off to the side of the Hwy when safe to do so and allow the faster traffic to pass.
Even if there is no place to pull completely off the road to allow people to pass, don’t hug the Centre line, this way people behind you can see what coming down the Hwy towards you, and they don’t have to stick their nose out into on coming traffic to pass.
The worst offenders of the “backing up traffic” I find are RV Caravan tours, them people like to bunch up and drive close to each other for some reason, and if they are driving slow, they can back up local and other types of traffic a long long ways, I especially see this in the Mountains around here.
Rock chips:
Getting rock chips in your windshield or on front facing body parts of your vehicle is an every day occurrence in Canada. Our vehicle insurance policies here in BC cover the repair of rock chips for free or you might have to pay a small fee like $20.
Every winter we get snow and ice on our Hwys, and every year the Hwys people sand and plow the Hwys. Them rocks usually will have been moved off the Hwys by traffic on the Hwy by late spring, but some little sneaky rocks will hang around waiting just for the right kind of windshield or colour hood to put a rock chip in.
On long trips I carry the manufacture’s touch up paint with me “just in case ” I also have an old glass cutting tool that I also carry incase of a rock chip that looks to maybe turn into a spider. I put a deep scratch across the rock chip finger to “try” and stop it from spreading.
When I bought my truck new, they day I drove it home in July a car passed me going the other way, threw up a rock, and yup, first rock chip in my windshield,,, and only 28 kms on the truck… I cried… and I only live 3.5 hrs north of Spokane Washington, in southeastern BC, no where near Alaska.
Enjoy your trip