howdy35 wrote:
Looking for advice going from Gatlinburg to Ashville NC. Anyone made that trip and know of the best road? Is 441 across the Smokies any good for a Diesel Pusher with Toad? Planning for the summer-fall of 2020. Thanks for any advice. Arnold, Happy travels.
As a personal view driving in the Smokies will Test even the Best drivers - PERIOD.
Straight is not in the description of anything.
Can you, sure, either one but IMHO I-40 is just Crazy - the speed limit for trucks is set to the slowest truck driving as they are - for the most part - Restricted to the right lane, and most are doing well over 65 on a road designed for a Sports Car, if you dare to get into the Left lane you will be run over by the local traffic doing 75+.
I remember thinking that while I love a Challenge and I love to Drive this would not be Fun in the RV - Luckily I was in Really Nice New Truck (Brothers) and it was still a drivers drive.
Guess what I'm trying to say is that it is like Driving the Washington Beltway - At Rush Hour - with two lanes closed - Jersey walls on both sides - 11' lanes - at 75+ MPH.
So while RT 441 may be a challenge it will allow you to get out of the way and take the drive at a much more leisurely pace.