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Brand new RVers headed to Mexico, requesting advice

Greetings everyone,
We plan to leave San Antonio TX for a quick 9 day trip through Mexico next week. We used to drive from Laredo to San Miguel and stay in Bnb's, however, we just bought a ERA 70C that we look forward to traveling in. We have friends from Utah in Quintana Roo, and also friends in Huatulco. Both long drives that may not be possible. We love Mexico, and want advice from the forum about RVing. Where to visit, eat, sleep and play. Can you help us?

The OP said a quick 9 day trip in Mexico. Our first "quick" trip into Mexico in 1999 found us liking it so much we kept on extending the vehicle insurance which cost us a lot more than if we would have started out with a longer policy.
There's always a chance that Mexico will entice a longer visit than you set off for.

As stated above, they have an ERA 70C

Sorry - I am sure there are those who know what that means - but I do not have a clue - no way of knowing.


Mexicans do not drive at night if they can avoid it only big rigs and cargo trucks do that, private citizens do not drive at night or try to avoid it as much as possible, specially when the road is not a toll road but a road that is referred as "libre" no toll.

On the toll roads if you get to go 60 to 65 mph that is fast, there are pot holes on pot holes, and some are hard to see, then you have the famous topes "AKA speed bumps" that every one loves both tourists and locals, some are painted and have signs that they are coming and some you only see at the last minute.

You are better taking an airplane to visit your friends, the distance might not be a deterrent if driving in the USA, in Mexico the speed on the roads is the time consumer and most roads tend to go through the town rather than around it, school zones and speed restrictions mean that you will travel at 25 to 30 mph trough town and slowing down for the "TOPE", that is provided that the pavement around the potholes is drivable at slow speed I have been driving in Mexico since 1965, I am currently living in Mexico City.


Talleyho69 wrote:
As stated above, they have an ERA 70C.

That's right. We purchased 70C instead of 70M for now. We like the interior color and design, and it looks to be discontinued after 2017.

briansue wrote:
This can all depend on your age and physical condition - stamina - endurance. Not sure what kind of RV you might have. Roads in Mexico can be slow going. We get tired and worn out at about 200 miles - but have done 300 miles more than a few times. We prefer taking the time to see things along the way. Yucatan can be a long haul and Huatulco a really long haul.

The fuel comment above has to do with diesel - Mexican diesel isn't ULSD for the most part - though that is up for discussion as much of their fuel comes from the US. No guarantees. But that only matters to newer diesel vehicles. Many do travel in Mexico and many get away with it. We have on 06 and won't be getting a newer one until Mexico has ULSD. Maybe we will never get a newer one.

It takes us 2 days from Laredo to San Miguel de Allende. RVs go slower than cars. We have done the Yucatan but spent over a month roaming around. We have been to Huatulco by plane - we have a big motorhome and don't want to drive the roads to Huatulco - nothing calling us to go there at this point. Lots to see and do in the Yucatan but it can take 4 days to get there and 4
days back. Possible to do it faster but not by us. Most posters here and veteran Mexico travelers will say never drive at night in Mexico - speed bumps (topes) - cows - horses - goats - all can cause problems and can't be seen at night. So driving time can be limited.

Thanks BrianSue
It's a 2017, so your advice is worth it's weight. We drove from Minnesota, where we purchased it, home to SA over Thanksgiving weekend, stopping to visit towns, and Turner Falls OK along the way. Blizzard to Sunshine Tour. Quick, and fun. We will soon be members of the 300 miles a day club, that's for sure.

Talleyho69 wrote:
The distance is over 4,000 miles, Texas to Quintana Roo to Huatulco and back to Texas. Kind of far for 9 days!

Thank you, Talleyho69. The map said 1,200 miles from SA to QR. I'll check again. We thought we could drive 300 to 400 miles a day, explore for 5 or 6 hours, good night's sleep, and repeat. It may be formidable.Ah, well. South is out. East or West remaining to choose from.

Talleyho69 wrote:
As stated above, they have an ERA 70C.

Which according to the Winnebago brochure it has a diesel engine.

OP: You need to know Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel is NOT AVAILABLE in Mexico for the most part. A few stations near the border MAY have it.

Tiger4x4RV wrote:
Check first to see if you can get the correct type of diesel fuel for your ERA.

Alright. Thank you. Good to know.

A good first night could be in Matehuala, south of Saltillo. Take the Monterrey and Saltillo bypasses. Las Palmas Midway Inn

For our route this year and others see our blog

Talleyho69 wrote:
The distance is over 4,000 miles, Texas to Quintana Roo to Huatulco and back to Texas. Kind of far for 9 days!

You would have to drive 400 miles everyday to make that trip possible using the 4000 figure.

As stated above, they have an ERA 70C.

This can all depend on your age and physical condition - stamina - endurance. Not sure what kind of RV you might have. Roads in Mexico can be slow going. We get tired and worn out at about 200 miles - but have done 300 miles more than a few times. We prefer taking the time to see things along the way. Yucatan can be a long haul and Huatulco a really long haul.

The fuel comment above has to do with diesel - Mexican diesel isn't ULSD for the most part - though that is up for discussion as much of their fuel comes from the US. No guarantees. But that only matters to newer diesel vehicles. Many do travel in Mexico and many get away with it. We have on 06 and won't be getting a newer one until Mexico has ULSD. Maybe we will never get a newer one.

It takes us 2 days from Laredo to San Miguel de Allende. RVs go slower than cars. We have done the Yucatan but spent over a month roaming around. We have been to Huatulco by plane - we have a big motorhome and don't want to drive the roads to Huatulco - nothing calling us to go there at this point. Lots to see and do in the Yucatan but it can take 4 days to get there and 4 days back. Possible to do it faster but not by us. Most posters here and veteran Mexico travelers will say never drive at night in Mexico - speed bumps (topes) - cows - horses - goats - all can cause problems and can't be seen at night. So driving time can be limited.

The distance is over 4,000 miles, Texas to Quintana Roo to Huatulco and back to Texas. Kind of far for 9 days!

Check first to see if you can get the correct type of diesel fuel for your ERA.
2006 Tiger CX 4x4, 8.1 L gas V-8, Allison 6-speed