Thanks for all of your input.
Facts: *Have never been on 395.
* Don't want to drive in anything requiring chains.
* Don't have chains.
* We will not be leaving LV for a day or two due to Walmart
coding wrong on one of my husbands medications and has
insurance messed up.
We are not in a great hurry. We can take several days to get there. Yes, I was looking at going over to Pahrump then through DV but I'm open to other suggestions.
I was thinking we would take HWY 50 out of Tahoe. We've only gone from Lake Tahoe over HWY 50 once years ago to get back to Fair Oaks and that was in a car. We just went over the mountains to see The Big Trees and came out in Tahoe and took 50 back to Fair Oaks.
We usually travel out there in the summer and approach from the south so this will be a whole new experience.
Maybe I should just skip the "scenic":( and go up through Nevada.
Thanks for your input and keep it coming!
Bear: Thanks for that info. My husband IS a WWII history buff and I love to eat so thank you!