Apr-26-2016 04:46 PM
Under Page 23:
point 2.6
restricciones de los vehiculos que pueden importarse temporalmente
May-09-2016 11:23 AM
JerBear wrote:
How can the border people deny entry if you have a 10 year permit??
May-05-2016 12:26 PM
almcc wrote:
May not be relevant to the discussion but is that restriction 3.5 tons or 3.5 TONNES (metric tons). That would make the limit about 7,700 lb.
May-05-2016 05:39 AM
May-04-2016 08:42 PM
May-04-2016 01:44 PM
May-04-2016 12:55 PM
It is clearly apparent the Mexican Customs at the Entry points at Hidalgo and possibly other entry points from Guatemala are Refusing entry for Modified Vehicles like Truck Campers. Since March as we can determine 5-6 overlanders have had been denied even though many had already paid for the TIP when entering from the North. This regulation is being misinterpreted by Customs for unknown reason. The regulation in Spanish clearly states your Pay Load amount cannot exceed 3.5 tons. & has nothing to do with you adding camper or a horse stall for that matter
BEWARE if you enter from the north and get a TIP you best not leave unless you go to Guat, Belize, or renter the US.
May-04-2016 09:47 AM
Tequila wrote:
I got 2 reports of pickups (via Mexico Mike) that are empty being barred. Banjercito using the GVWR figure instead of curb weight, maybe on registrations that only show GVWR (mine shows both). This would bar everything except a 1/2 ton. I have asked my partner who has connections to try and get some sort of clarification from them. So far I have only heard of this happening on the southern border. Right now I would avoid taking a pickup into Guatamala or Belize. It may get trapped.
I need to get a hold of my buddy at adventuretrek.They run caravans into south america, to see if he knows anything.
May-04-2016 09:06 AM
May-02-2016 04:34 PM
May-02-2016 03:40 PM
May-02-2016 01:12 PM
..this would really worry me; banking only on the inspector/issuer not looking at the rig when you show up....playing the odds?
Following this closely as truck camper owners and future MX crossers...
May-02-2016 11:18 AM
Tequila wrote:
Jer if you sell it, you cna always get another under the wifes name. I had no problem changing the truck vin back from an RV classification to a truck again. when I go online to the records I can see my truck classified as both depending on how I bought it in. I always cancel the 10 year on the way out and get another.
On line permit link is https://www.banjercito.com.mx/registroVehiculos/capturaOpcionl.do
The link to check your records is
May-02-2016 10:29 AM
Tequila wrote:
If you feel a bit nevous take the jacks off and chuck them inside when you cross.
Tony lee wrote:
I hear that some owners get in by using the on-line application for the TIP and it isn't checked when they cross the border.
May-01-2016 05:42 PM
So here is an idea I have been thinking about. I am assuming the 'Secretariat of Communications and Transportation' is who determines what 'Capacidad de Carga' means in Banjercito's rule for the 3.5 ton load limit. Since the confusing is stemming from how the agents at the border are defining that rule, how does one go about contacting someone from that agency and get a written definition clearly stating that it does not mean GVWR but rather the total weight minus the vehicle weight? Can a lawyer in Mexico help us with getting clarification once and for all? If we are able to obtain a letter from them we can disseminate the document for people to present at the Banjercito office when applying for a TIP.