Yes you can stay up to 183 days. However if you did so in 2014, 2/3 of those days would count against the 2015 total, and 1/3 will count against the 2016 total. It effectively means one can stay about 120 days per year south of the border.
If you end up paying US income tax, it is quite possible for revenue Canada to deem that you have sold all assets in Canada and require you to pay capital gains. That would be a huge "ouch" for me.
MPI_Mallard wrote:
now the main thing to remember is to keep careful track of the exact time and date you enter the U.S. and when you return into Canada, you are allowed a maximum of 180 CONSECUTIVE days in the U.S and to be clear that's from when you enter until when you leave and don't fool with that as the U.S. can take away your closer connection status ( you should also file your 8840 closer connection form) and make you pay income taxes. We usually give a week for good measure in the event of a problem on the way home.
Red Green:
Remember, I'm pulling for ya. We're
all in this together