I've done exactly that. The RCMP manages/administers the program. The program's website is
Call them, they are VERY helpful.
That said, three comments.
First, it takes a while to get it all done - read maybe six to eight months from now to license in hand.
Second, I'd encourage you NOT to be tempted to "challenge" their mandatory exam. While you may well "know" all the stuff (real world), you must know your stuff using their terminology. IMHO, take the class (which includes the test) and you'll likely sail right through. I'm told that the "pass rate" for challengers is a bit under 50%.
The classes are offered by "authorized and licensed" contractors. The contractors set their own schedule and prices. A little searching and you can find them. I used
www.guns.to and they did a really good job. No matter how much you "think" you know, you will learn something.
And, a detail. If you're not in your seat at the appointed hour the class starts, you're out. NO late arrivals.
Third, approach the process "their (RCMP) way". I.e., do EXACTLY what they say, and IN THE ORDER THEY WANT IT DONE and it's easy. They really don't like folks trying to short circuit their system.
For example, as a non-resident, you will need a "Gold Seal" letter (or whatever it's called in Vermont) from the appropriate agency (here it's the State Police, there I don't know but it should be easy to find out). The RCMP does NOT want you to "apply" for your Gold Seal letter until you have RECEIVED your grade report from the class you need to take. Yes, you'll know you passed their tests (two tests) (or not) within minutes of taking the tests. So, you'd be tempted to go home and apply for your Gold Seal letter so you have it when the "official" test results arrive by mail.
Don't do it. DO IT THEIR WAY. That way, you'll get what you want. Otherwise, if there's to big a "gap" in the number of days between the date on your Gold Seal and the date you file your application, they'll simply return it asking for a more current Gold Seal letter.
They (RCMP) have a job to do and, while they're quite helpful, they mean business. It's their way or the highway.