Forum Discussion

jim_behr's avatar
May 15, 2013

Canadian Maritime Provences

We are going to spend the summer in the Canadian maritimes .. we are wondering if "on star" works in the maritimes. How about Verizon cell phone service with the Canadian package? any suggestions or ideas will be appreciated.
  • you have a contract package on your verizon cell?
    We have a pay per month thing.

    Ended up spending $111 for a canadian bell cell phone...couldn't make ours sim card in hubbies contract phone and my tracphone wouldn't work (confirmed that with a phone call).

    Canada is not kind to its cell phone users...pretty pricey to use ours is for emergency only or use within canada.
  • We added Verizon Canada to our cell phone last summer and it worked very well in the Maritimes as well as the Atlantic Provinces. It was nice that we only had to add it for the time we were away.

    Can't help you with On-star.
