Make sure your phone will work in Canada. A few years ago Verizon told us our perfectly adequate tri-mode flip phones would no longer work in Canada. They recommended we go to the Samsung Core Prime phones, so we switched. Two years or so ago, we received notification that these phones would no longer work in Canada, and they would not.. We tried. DW had to further update to a Samsung 3, but Verizon swore to me that ALL THEIR PHONES would work. WRONG, Verizon lied or had idiots in their stores that didn't know anything. Go to a VERIZON STORE, not a reseller, and MAKE THEM SHOW YOU THE WEBPAGE that says if your phone will work up there or not. A large number of their employees don't have a clue, including their own store manager. Dover, DE is my case in point. Make them show you the web page. We use the added Canada coverage and don't pay anything unless we actually use voice, data, or internet service up there. This counts for incoming as well as outgoing service, so unwanted calls to you will still cost you.