Forum Discussion

bjwalston's avatar
Aug 18, 2014

Chilcotin Highway

Planning on short trip to Anaheim. Haven't traveled that road for nearly 60 years and am wondering what to expect with my 32 foot RV plus toad: gas price, places to stay, all paved?,etc. This is a trip
down memory lane as my dad and I built a small resort on Clearwater Lake
in 1956 so am most anxious to see what changes have occurred during that time. Any advice or thoughts about this trip would be appreciated.

  • Thanks Paulj....
    more good information.
    small correction: I drive a 32 ft class A. Will hit 100,000
    miles somewhere around Williams Lake with many, many miles
    on black roads, gray roads and gravel roads.
  • Horn Lake, some 15 gravel km off the main highway has a nice rec site (pay) campground. It's a flat area, but I didn't pay close attention to site sizes. In general this is pickup camper territory, not 40ft class A with train.

    I vaguely recall low(er) gas prices at one of the Reserve gas bars - because they didn't charge the provincial taxes. But my memories are decade old.

    Google maps has streetview images as far as Tatla Lake.

    For some history of this road, check The Road Runs West

    I suspect the biggest change from the 50s would be at the Fraser River Crossing. The original Sheep Creek Bridge (suspension) was replace with a big new one in 1962. Piers for the old one are still visible off to the side. The climb up Sheep Creek Hill is also much easier.

    Also get the appropriate Backroads Mapbook (online or in groceries in BC).
  • Thanks B.C Explorer....

    Good information and much appreciated.Will be leaving in a couple of weeks and am really looking forward to the trip.

    Sue T.
    That is the resort my Dad and I started but it was very primitive to what it apparently is now.
  • Just a small correction, the prices given below are for a Canadian gallon. The corrected prices for a US gallon are $5.97 and $4.84 respectively. Of course, this is in Cdn. dollars, so if you convert this to US, at 91c?, these prices become $5.47 and $4.40. Still not great, but a little better!
  • What BC Explorer said!
    There are also some good RV camps at Puntzi Lake, & Anahim Lake. The road should be ok, although it was recently closed due to fire. The price of gas is the kicker though.
  • Highway 20 west from Williams Lake is paved all the way to just east of the Heckman Pass that descends (steeply) into the Bella Coola Valley. However as you are only going as far as Anahim, nothing to worry about.

    Expect gas prices to be expensive as you head further west out of Williams Lake. IIRC, last year at Anahim Lake the price per liter for gas was around $1.60 per liter (approx $7.75 per gallon.) One year later, expect higher prices. Currently in Williams Lake, the cost per liter is about $1.30 (approx $5.90 per gallon.)

    West of Williams Lake, there are gas stations (the ones I remember) at Alexis Creek, Nimpo Lake and Anahim Lake. There may of been a couple more but I did not stop at as it is only about 200 miles from Williams Lake to Anahim then it was only about 90 miles from Anahim to Bella Coola. Be forewarned that these are small remote communities with only basic services and they tend to close early so get your fuel more early then late.

    For camping with the large RV. There is Bull Canyon Provincial Park just west of Alexis Creek. I seen some larger RV's so I cannot see any problems with your RV. There are also a number of Forest Recreation Sites along the way but they will probably not accommodate your RV and toad. As I only boondock, I usually don't pay attention to private campgrounds et al so perhaps others can chime in here. That all said, there are plenty of places to pull off the highway in turnouts, side roads etc and you will not be disturbed and it is safe.

    As for changes since your last trip many years ago, your drive along the Chilcotin Highway 20 will show that life has not changed much at all. This highway is one of the best kept secrets in Canada.

    Lastly, consider purchasing the book Cariboo Trips and Trails. Although almost 7 years old, this book is the bible for venturing into the Cariboo area of British Columbia. Note that the link will take you to as .com lists the book but at a more hefty cost and it is used.

    Enjoy your trip. Enjoy the memories.

    Let me know if you would like any other info, I will be glad to share.