I drive 160 either east or west bound at least 30 times year, from Del Norte to Mancos west bound and Mancos to I25 east bound due to some property we own down there. While I understand I am jaded at this point Wolf Creek is a yawner for me any more. There is nothing significant on Wolf Creek Pass that an exhaust brake, proper service brake use or proper gear selection wont take care of with no problem. I can say if you are driving early morning or at dusk between Pagosa Springs and Durango you better keep your eyes open for deer and elk. The elk will be migrating upwards and soon wont be an issue until fall but deer are always a problem. There are times when I will see 8-10 hits in a single run. In fact just two weeks ago I had to do a panic brake not far west of Pagosa Springs for a bear who popped up on the road (a first for me) fortunately he was running full speed otherwise I would have taken out my first bear (apparently his mother did not teach him to look both ways before crossing the street or not to run out in front of cars). A couple years ago one rainy night between the base of Wolf Creek and Pagosa there was a freaking black cow standing in the middle of my lane. Had it not been for an oncoming vehicle I may not have noticed in time- a black cow, on a black road, in the dark, in the rain could have really ruined my night. In any case through that stretch watch for animals.