Forum Discussion

Easy_four's avatar
Jun 29, 2015

Crowsnest Hwy.

Towing a 39 ft. 5th wheel trailer from Lethbridge Alberta to Osoyoos BC
Is it a hard pull ? Diesel hard to find ? Tow Vehicle 2011 F350 DRW.

  • SideHillSoup wrote:
    Your going to be headed over some major mountain passes nothing that your rig can't handle just keep the speed in check heading down the other side.
    First pass will be Kootenay Pass just outside of Creston. This is the highest mountain pass open year round in Canada. Coming from the east so so a long slow climb until the last few miles to the Summit. There is a pull off on the right hand side by a small lake good place to check out the rig and take a breather. The hill heading down from the summit is long long long, I have a durimax and I leave the Trnni in between 2nd And 3rd all the way down only using my breaks to keep my speed in check.
    Second pass will be the Bombi between Salmo and Castlegar, the climb from the Salmo side Is short and Fast to the summit again with a long long hill down into Castlegar. If you need file by the time you get to Castlegar take the first exit after the bridge over the Columbia River. Follow it to the lights and turn right, don't stop at the 7/11 to tight in that parking lot, go one block north to the Chevron the deisl pump is on the north bank of pumps middle ( closest to the over pass) some times to have to wait to get that pump as people with gas cars plug up the spot you need to be in, but the parking lot at the chevon is huge. Leave the chevron at the light go u dear the over pass and up the hill to the next Summit
    Paulson summit, some banana in Victoris named it the bonanza pass but everyone in this area still calls it the Paulson. You will have a short climb out of Castlegar maybe 2 miles and then a long slow climb to the summits. Once at the summit it is another long ride down and again keep the speed in check. When you see the break check on the west side of the summit pop your trani into a low gear and stay there. Once across the bridge the hill is less of an issue but your still going down hill all the way to Christnia Lake.
    The next summit will be between Grandforks and Greenword, it is called the Eholt summit, but there isn't nothing to worry here. A long low pull out of GrnForks after the first steel hill you will see after the speed limit increase to 100km. And then it levels out about 2 miles up and it is a long slow incline to the summit and only one small little downward hill before greenwood.
    The last summit is Anercest summit. Stop for fuel at Rock Creek if you like big parking lot clean washrooms and a great I store bakery.
    You will cross the bridge and start to climb and it goe up fast for the next 10 to 15 miles off and on you will climb. And once up top you will keep climbing and dropping a bit u til you get to the other side . This is a short steep hill down into osyoos. Again drop that Trani down into a low gear 2nd and stay there. Put your for ways on so people behind you will know your going slow.
    I pull my 35ft 5er over there moutinS all the time so it can be done just take your time going down the other side,
    Lots of fuel available in every town, try not and get any in Chrtinia Lake as the two places that have fuel have small parking lots. Grandforks has an Big grocery story on the west side with a gas station and a large large parking lot and my 5er fits under the canopy over the pumps.
    Drive safe

    Very good advice! Going down Anachist into Osoyoos is steep with one sharp switchback, but easy to drive if you go slow enough.
  • Nice detail.

    The namesake pass, Crowsnest, is barely noticeable, though the surrounding mountains are scenic. And the drive through Ferrie, Cranbrook to Creston relatively flat. Then it's a rollercoaster drive all the way to Hope.

    You can bypass Kootenay Pass with a scenic drive along the lake and ferry across, and on to Nelson and Castlegar. But the last leg before the ferry has 60km/hr speed limit - not hills, just lake side curves. Last time I took the ferry, the load included half of a prefab house.

    You can also go through Trail, but the grade from Trail to Rossland is brutal.
  • PS:
    Keep your eyes open about 14 miles west of Castlegar and around Nancy Greene lake (17 mile mark) there has been a mother Grizlly and two cubs hanging around close to the hwy the last few weeks. Next door neighbour got a picture of them last week.
  • Your going to be headed over some major mountain passes nothing that your rig can't handle just keep the speed in check heading down the other side.
    First pass will be Kootenay Pass just outside of Creston. This is the highest mountain pass open year round in Canada. Coming from the east so so a long slow climb until the last few miles to the Summit. There is a pull off on the right hand side by a small lake good place to check out the rig and take a breather. The hill heading down from the summit is long long long, I have a durimax and I leave the Trnni in between 2nd And 3rd all the way down only using my breaks to keep my speed in check.
    Second pass will be the Bombi between Salmo and Castlegar, the climb from the Salmo side Is short and Fast to the summit again with a long long hill down into Castlegar. If you need file by the time you get to Castlegar take the first exit after the bridge over the Columbia River. Follow it to the lights and turn right, don't stop at the 7/11 to tight in that parking lot, go one block north to the Chevron the deisl pump is on the north bank of pumps middle ( closest to the over pass) some times to have to wait to get that pump as people with gas cars plug up the spot you need to be in, but the parking lot at the chevon is huge. Leave the chevron at the light go u dear the over pass and up the hill to the next Summit
    Paulson summit, some banana in Victoris named it the bonanza pass but everyone in this area still calls it the Paulson. You will have a short climb out of Castlegar maybe 2 miles and then a long slow climb to the summits. Once at the summit it is another long ride down and again keep the speed in check. When you see the break check on the west side of the summit pop your trani into a low gear and stay there. Once across the bridge the hill is less of an issue but your still going down hill all the way to Christnia Lake.
    The next summit will be between Grandforks and Greenword, it is called the Eholt summit, but there isn't nothing to worry here. A long low pull out of GrnForks after the first steel hill you will see after the speed limit increase to 100km. And then it levels out about 2 miles up and it is a long slow incline to the summit and only one small little downward hill before greenwood.
    The last summit is Anercest summit. Stop for fuel at Rock Creek if you like big parking lot clean washrooms and a great I store bakery.
    You will cross the bridge and start to climb and it goe up fast for the next 10 to 15 miles off and on you will climb. And once up top you will keep climbing and dropping a bit u til you get to the other side . This is a short steep hill down into osyoos. Again drop that Trani down into a low gear 2nd and stay there. Put your for ways on so people behind you will know your going slow.
    I pull my 35ft 5er over there moutinS all the time so it can be done just take your time going down the other side,
    Lots of fuel available in every town, try not and get any in Chrtinia Lake as the two places that have fuel have small parking lots. Grandforks has an Big grocery story on the west side with a gas station and a large large parking lot and my 5er fits under the canopy over the pumps.
    Drive safe