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SpeakEasy's avatar
May 02, 2017

Eastern PA to and from NYS

Do yourself a favor and do all you can to avoid the I81 - I476 north-south corridor through PA.

We drove this a little over a week ago, and it was even worse than the usual bone-jarring experience of driving in PA. Nearly the whole stretch from Allentown to the state line is either under construction or is in terrible condition. As soon as you cross into NYS the problems are gone.

I don't know what it is about PA highways. For decades it seems that every highway I ever use there is under construction. We used to joke that the state flower is the orange cone. They make huge use of those concrete barriers on both sides of a construction zone, so you are driving mile after mile hemmed in by very narrow lanes with collision consequences on both sides of you if anyone wavers even a tiny bit. Towing and being passed by an 18-wheeler at 55 MPH in one of these zones is enough to send you to the looney bin.

The worst thing is, in spite of this never-ending construction, the roads are almost all in terrible condition.

Either their construction methods are suspect, or their entire highway department is corrupt. Or maybe their geology is so different from any place else that the roads can't withstand regular use. I've never seen another place like it. It's frustrating that PA stands between my home and a large part of the country that I really like to travel to.

  • No, it's not the geology. Cross out of PA in to any other state and the roads instantly are better. See RGar974417's post, above. It's our incredible bureaucracy, as per NYCgrrl's post immediately following. JMHO
  • RGar974417 wrote:
    PennDOT said no. They wanted us to replace 4 beams, take the other 4 and refurbish. When we bid the job, the contractor said he would put in new beams for the same price as refurbing the other 4. PennDOT said no again. When we asked them why, they said if we replaced 4,it would be a maintainence project. If we replaced all 8,it would be a construction project.Who cares what you call it? Common sense would say you would replace all 8 and be done with it.

    The difference between a construction and maintenance project probably has to do with state and/or federal funding options.
    The difference might also change what agency is in charge of the process and oversight needed.
  • We have PennDOT which is run by idiots.They have stupid rules which makes highways more expensive and take longer to complete. I'll give you an example. Our town had an open grate bridge. 4 of the 8 beams were shown to have significant corrosion. Our engineers suggested replacing all 8 since the other 4 were also showing signs of corrosion and we had to take the deck off anyways. PennDOT said no. They wanted us to replace 4 beams, take the other 4 and refurbish. When we bid the job, the contractor said he would put in new beams for the same price as refurbing the other 4. PennDOT said no again. When we asked them why, they said if we replaced 4,it would be a maintainence project. If we replaced all 8,it would be a construction project.Who cares what you call it? Common sense would say you would replace all 8 and be done with it.
  • I agree with Brooks... We drive the full length of I81 through PA at least twice a year, and usually more, and it has definitely gotten better over the years. There's a ways to go yet of course, but each year it does seem to improve a bit.
  • I 81 and I 80 in PA are like driving on a smooth landing strip today compared to what they were like in the early 80's. I'm not saying they're good roads by any means just believe it or not they used to be worse....especially I 80. I made a living driving across those roads for a long time. Then you have the PA Turn Pike...Much smoother but it cost a small fortune to drive on it. Always was glad to see the Ohio state line when going west bound !! Roads got smoother and the price of fuel went way down.
  • Took I-81 down and back to the south last fall and found the usual delays. Impossible to avoid and all i can do is allow more time. Didn't see much head on two way traffic but no doubt passing vehicles even headed in the same directions between barriers can be no fun.

    If the speed limit is enforced that, helps a little.
  • And the good news is, I believe we have the highest gas tax.

    Check 511PA for road construction in the state.

    I always tell anyone traveling in the Commonwealth to assume they will encounter road construction/repair. They are usually not disappointed.