ppine wrote:
Thanks to all the Canadians that know better.
LOL, Like Sue, who lives on the AK. Highway and finds no need to carry more than one spare for each vehicle. Might be time to give up on this one, Eh? It's pretty simple. IF you are going to do one of the extreme routes that 99% of summer travelers pass up on (Dempster, Dalton, etc) be prepared. If not, you don't need extra gas cans, extra tires, fan belts, and all the other **** that some claim. It's a remote highway, not a trail.
BTW, I looked back at your posts on this thread, and you didn't mention your experience travelling the AK,YT highway system? I'm a novice compared to Sue, but I've done over 10,000 miles on the AK Highway alone, so far, and been on just about every navigable road listed in the Milepost.............. and you?????