Forum Discussion

Galvanizd's avatar
Jan 18, 2014

Fuel Costs

I'm trying to save a buck. Just like I choose fuel places in the US based on price.
Here in Las Vegas, I can get diesel for about $3.69 a gallon. We sometimes fill up North of the border. Last year it was south of the border. We're heading south next week.
Anybody got the current diesel prices south of the border I can use?
  • Thanks for the rest of you attempting to answer a question for me. I figured those who were actually there might be able to give me a better idea what the prices might be from your personal knowledge. \
    Appreciate it.
  • 2oldman wrote:
    This is not available on the web?

    If you don't know or care, Why do you bother to answer with a question?
    To quote one of your own posts "Wow.. that's really helpful."
  • That's why I posted the latest prices in pesos as they appear on the pump.
  • It would also depend on where and when and how you exchange your dollars for pesos. The price has been going up about 11 centavos per month for several years. No more great deals on fuel down here.
  • According to Discover Baja

    Pemex Fuel Price
    Magna: Aproximately $3.46 Dlls/gallon
    Premium: Aproximately $ 3.60 Dlls/gallon
    Diesel: Aproximately $3.58 Dlls/gallon

    Note: PEMEX (Petróleos Mexicanos), Mexico's state-owned, nationalized petroleum company, regulates and standardizes the prices for its petroleum products. Stations in areas bordering the United States are, however, allowed some flexibility in adjusting prices to compete with U.S. gas prices.
  • Desde hace tiempo ya que, el Diesel se encuentra ya encima del límite de los 12 pesos por litro. Cuesta 12.73 pesos por litro a partir de este sábado, 24 centavos más que el mes anterior.

    Diesel Prices