Forum Discussion

4X4Dodger's avatar
Explorer II
Jul 11, 2015

GSRSA coverage in Mexico - Ever Used it?

Has anyone ever had occasion to use the Good Sam Road Side Assistance in Mexico?

If so how did it work? Did it go smoothly?

Did you have to pay up front and ask for re-reimbursement like Coach Net?

Give us an idea what your experiences were.

This is one of the issues I am having in trying to decide which plan to sign up for. GSE doesnt give any details on their site about the Mexico coverage as does Coachnet.
  • islandvagabonds wrote:
    I had a breakdown a few years back just south of Hermosillo. Good Sam took care of everything once I figured out how to contact them. The wallet card they had at the time did not give the correct dialing instructions to reach their US 800 number.
    I did not have to pay up front for the tow.
    If you have to call them make sure the operator understands the size of tow truck you need.

    Fleetwood Discovery39s

    That's good to hear and thanks for the info.
  • I had a breakdown a few years back just south of Hermosillo. Good Sam took care of everything once I figured out how to contact them. The wallet card they had at the time did not give the correct dialing instructions to reach their US 800 number.
    I did not have to pay up front for the tow.
    If you have to call them make sure the operator understands the size of tow truck you need.

    Fleetwood Discovery39s
  • I have seen one post from a person who used the service. Apparently it went not too badly. If one has a large vehi on being in Baja and them finding you a truck could be a problemcle you might have to wait a long time while GS tries to find a big truck. There are some really good companies that are equipped. For smaller vehicles they might send someone who is not qualified. I would prefer to find my own tow truck or mechanic. I have done this twice with Coach Net. I submitted my claim and the payment was prompt. It also depends where you are located. You were planning on being in Baja and it could be hard for them to find you a truck. I think Coach Net has a $1000 maximum.
