rvnutts wrote:
Wow, thanks for all the replies. I've been gone most of the day and just now checking in. The trip will just be dh and me. We will be going to Branson Mo first and next destination is Davenport Iowa. I can break that up with a stop in Hannibal MO. The rest of our trip will be Florence, IN and the Noah's Ark museum, Niagra Falls, Fredericksburg to tour Washington DC, Ashville, NC, then back to AR by way of Nashville, West memphis, then south AR. I am still trying to see if we can fit this into 4-5 weeks,hence my question about long drive days. Now to do some more homework!
Something like
This Map?Interesting Loop - Guessing you are visiting some Friends along the way The 33-3500 miles it should be easily doable in your time frame, as 6-8 hours will yield 300-400 miles in a day = 11 driving days out of the 35 you have set aside for the trip.
Now the question is what can you add to make it more Fun when going from one stop to another?
You will be close to many other "Attractions" as you travel - what might interest you?
Not that far from the Beach?
Upstate NY, is filled with Great Parks and Places with water and Trees.
Blue Ridge Parkway?
October will usually be the beginning of the
Fall Color, so timing is also a consideration. August is still pretty HOT.
Planning is always Fun - Keep us in the Loop will love to see the final Plan.
Best of Luck,
Edit - remember that Labor day is in your time frame - reservations will likely be needed no matter where you are.