The joys of semi arid climes. Today about 2 p.m. the RV reached 31% RH @ 25 c (77 f) with nothing other than a fantastic fan on low and the roof vent in the bedroom open. I did use the swamp cooler at my 5 p.m. supper time as the temperature had risen to 29 C (84.2 f)
Around 6 p.m. it started to rain--and humidity rose to 41%.
I had a sash window in my home and could stack two 20 inch box fans to draw the heat of the day out. I did make the effort to add masks to them to improve performance.
They were far from the bedrooms. I did toy with the idea of adding a thermostat but never did get around to it.
In spring of 2019 I`ll be moving in to my retirement abode which has a triple mini split air conditioner. That should meet all my cooling needs, and even save some money as one room may not be used much at all.
I`ll be there a long time as I modified the unit to allow for wheel chair access to each and every room, and the building itself is so modified.