Jan-27-2020 06:13 AM
Jan-27-2020 10:23 AM
rgatijnet1 wrote:
I have used HOA in Atlanta with my toad.
Jan-27-2020 08:36 AM
Jan-27-2020 08:02 AM
dougrainer wrote:Bird Freak wrote:
I do it all the time. First with MH ad toad or car trailer and now with fiver. Keep up with traffic and you will be fine.
From the Atlanta rules, you ARE violating the Law. Doug
Jan-27-2020 07:56 AM
Jan-27-2020 07:32 AM
ferndaleflyer wrote:
Don't know about Atlanta but I have used the ones South of DC several times towing. I think those have now been changed so if you have an EZ pass you are good.
Jan-27-2020 07:06 AM
Bird Freak wrote:
I do it all the time. First with MH ad toad or car trailer and now with fiver. Keep up with traffic and you will be fine.
Jan-27-2020 07:02 AM
Jan-27-2020 07:00 AM
Jan-27-2020 06:38 AM
Jan-27-2020 06:23 AM
Jan-27-2020 06:19 AM