Both are 2 lane until you get to Emporia or Wichita. We were on both within the last 5-6 years. Pavement wasn't too bad for the most part. Lot of small towns that speed limit drops for but we still made decent time pulling 35 ft 5er. I had to plan fuel stops as I do not have extra tank but found diesel no problem on either. Lot of tractor trailers on both routes but they were always courteous and did not impede us. Passing lanes kinda rare as I recall but never felt that was a big deal. All the farm/ranch equipment will pull off for you to pass. We are both from Eastern Kansas so either route is "local". We find it scenic and nostalgic. I find the KDOT sight very up to date on listing road construction. We check it every time we head west which is most of the time. Research it within a week or so of departure and you will see anything that might cause grief.
Hope you have a good trip through and try the BBQ.:B