Forum Discussion

barbandwayne's avatar
Feb 18, 2014

I-40 Memphis

The I-40/240 interchange in east Memphis is under re-construction, adding another fly-over for the next couple years. Avoid it if you can. Also I-40/I-55 in West Memphis Arkansas is also under re-construction for the near future, you can use hwy 70 in Arkansas to get around this.
  • There is more to this construction project. In addition to a new higher flyover, the existing flyover will be completed, plus both east and west I-40 bridges over the Wolf River just east of the flyover are to be totally replaced, with additional lanes. One estimate I have heard is 4-5 years.

    The 385 loop from I-40 MM 24-25 is complete to Collierville, and connects back to I-240. Please note MapQuest has not updated their maps-last section of 385 was opened in Nov 2013. Continue on 240 to either I-55 South to Mississippi, or continue west to cross into Arkansas via I-55 or I-40.

    If you elect to drive thru the construction zone (I-240/I-40 junction) try to avoid rush hour if westbound in the morning, or if eastbound, in the afternoon. Traffic typically backs up close to 20 miles on I-40 at rush hour.

    Construction just started in Dec 2013, and is not too bad as of now, but expect greatly increased delays as construction ramps up.
  • barbandwayne
    Is the West Memphis construction that you are talking about the same West Memphis construction that has been going on for years? Has it gotten worse then it was? As far as the Memphis construction goes it sounds like we will miss it if we come in on the by pass from Colliarville and go south. Am I correct?
  • Tom & Bonnie are right as they are always working on the I40/I55 bridges. If heading east stop at one of the truck stops in West Memphis, cheap fuel,& ask them which bridge to take, if I40 & you say the I40/240 on the east side is under re-construction. Also if you are tired of BBQ you are in luck just take US70. Before you get to I40/240 take US70 out to Mason stop at Gus's & get some of the best chicken you have had, then drop down to I40 & head on east.
  • As much as I hate contruction, I do like good highways. And construction/reconstruction of aging highways is the only way we get them. We have been traveling I-35 between Dallas and Georgetown to our hunting area several times a year for the last 45 years. Never once has there been a year when there was no construction. BUT, the highway has, for the most part, been a very good highway thru those years.
    I have on occasion tried a bypass to get around construction, but have generally found I would have been better off just to tough it out and go on thru the construction area. The construction company usually has an obligation (read bonus/penalty) to keep the traffic flowing. A check on here a day or so before you go thru will usually find someone who just went thru and can give an update on the drive.
  • Those roads will be under construction the rest of my life. They have been under construction for last 5 years or more.