When you say "from the NW corner", I'm assuming you're coming in via US 40? If so, then:
Head south on CO 664 through Rangely then CO 139 down to I-70. East to US 50 and south. Spend a night at Colorado National Monument.
Continue south on US 550 and camp near Ouray/Ridgway (search here for suggestions). Spend at least two nights. Day trip on south to Silverton. Leave the TC at the CG and you'll be able to drive up to Eureka. By the time you're done with this little excursion, you may decide you want to spend the entire week in this area. Another day drive up to Yankee Boy Basin (again w/o the truck camper). Lot of great flowers. The pool in Ouray has amazing views while you soak in the warm waters.
But moving on, head west on CO 62/CO145 past Telluride and Dolores to Cortez or Durango. Beautiful drive. Spend a couple more nights in this area. Spend a day at Mesa Verde NP. Tour a couple of ruins. Take the Durango-Silverton Narrow Gauge RR (full day).
This is not to be missed. Next, head east on US 160 to US 285 up to Salida. Spend the next 2-3 days in this area. Ghost towns, mining ruins, tall peaks, hiking, biking, fishing, rafting. It's all there.
This is a very quick tour of CO, but hits my highlights.
Dick_B wrote:
Easy. Do a Google search for `Colorado tourism' and read what the experts recommend.
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Is it just me or is this a ridiculous recommendation.