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Kiss And Made Up. How About The prohibited Items?

Included a lot of vegetables and produce. Now that the tiff has gone away has anyone read about apples, potatoes, and other items being released from tariffs? Apples soared to three dollars a pound and potatoes flat ran out. Costco is selling thirteen dollar a pound Canadian beef that almost equals my 150 peso carne de res, regional $3.73/lb TENDER lower fat New York Steak beef.

Avocados are cheap here since Thursday. They dropped from 35p a kilo to 25, and we are seeing lots of interesting varieties. We bought two that were new to us today.

Yes, of course I know I am overpaying and that's why it sorta would be nice to know if and when these items will slump back to normal prices. I love apples. I eat 5 to 1 weight mangos to apples. The Mennonite apples from chihuahua are small and usually pithy. USA sweet loose corn frozen in 6 lb bags is another staple. I eat a lot of tortillas that taste like CD ROMs so I break that up with tostadas that taste more like corn than Crown Zellerbach cardboard.

It seems as though Aduana used a firehose when it applied sanctions against US produce. The Chinese bought EIGHTY TONS of avocados right off the vine in Michoacan. That is is why the price is so high right now.

Our 180p a kilo filet was incredible, as is the thunder and lightening show!

Nomad II
Nomad II
The news in Canada suggests that Mr Trump is trying to force Canada to sign off on the deal when Canada has not been included in the negotiations. I'm inclined to believe that of "45".

The province I live in survives on exports. Much of it to USA.
Regards, Don
My ride is a 28 foot Class C, 256 watts solar, 556 amp-hours of Telcom jars, 3000 watt Magnum hybrid inverter, Sola Basic Autoformer, Microair Easy Start.

Keep it clean everyone. I already pulled one post then the one I wrote in response!

The new deal requires that 45% of the parts used in cars be made in plants where workers get $15 USD an hour. Most parts are made in plants that are called provedores. They include Lear,Magna, Denso and more. We know families with sons and daughters working in the Ford plant in Hermosillo. They make about $150 dollars a week. I don't know if it includes benefits. We also have friends that work in those feeder plants. Their wages are far less with a minimum of benefits.These are considered good jobs for workers with no high tech skills. Can anyone believe that soon they will be making $600 a week???????? When the Ford plant opened all wages in HMO went up. If the same happened with new high wages many businesses inHMO will be bankrupt. I have seen references to Ford Mexico paying $5.00 an hour but that is probably for skilled labor: welders, electricians etc. Audi has aunionized plant in Mexico that pays $2.25 an hour.


Right now I am from Missouri. It isn't over until the fat lady sings.
1. Nothing has been signed
2. Could be December before it is finalized.
3. Both Congress and Senate have to approve.
4. Senor Trump has been known to make all kinds of announcement s before they are valid.
5. I have more but the Mod would delete!

You are overpaying. We try to limit our beef consumption, but love it too much. If we eat beef, like tonight, it's the finest filet mignon ever, better than the US stuff, and it costs a whopping 180p from our favorite carniceria.

The only news I've read is that they think all three will sign an agreement by Friday. Luck to them.