Forum Discussion

CA_Traveler's avatar
Explorer III
Oct 11, 2023

LA Transit Alternatives

Daughter headed south on I 5 with 34' 5er horse trailer and horse to Temecula. This may be late afternoon on Sunday 10/29. I've recommended 5, 210, 15. What about 210, 57, 71, 91,15?

I also recommended 5, 46, 99, 58, 395, 15, 215 which avoids part of LA and only 25 miles longer. Also Temecula vs Grapevine but no 5er weight etc concerns. My preference.

If she heads back early AM on a weekday then what route?

Thoughts and suggestions appreciated.
  • lane hog wrote:
    I would go 58->395 to bypass the worst of it...

    That is the way I would go, and I grew up in L.A.

    Avoid 5-210 into L.A. while towing. I would not recommend that as a tow route to my worst enemy.

    Top off with fuel before descending into the urban abyss. Then you will not have to exit the freeway and negotiate city traffic to refuel.
  • I would go 58->395 to bypass the worst of it.

    I'd also plan to only be driving around in the LA area between 0200 and 0400...
  • I-5 to 138 at the top of the grapevine, 138 to 15 then a short ride to the 215. 215 on a Sunday afternoon should be fine although the Las Vegas to LA traffic on the short piece of 15 between the 138 and 215 will be a crawl. The freeway is very wide there and seldom actually stops moving.
  • Dedmiston, Coming from Seattle area. Planning to stop in Stockton first night. I'll get some details on the truck/trailer weights etc. But as I recall weight and braking etc are not a problem.

    I've sent her the Mountain Directory West information of all the passes with the Siskiyou, Grapevine and Tehachapi being the most grade/distance.

    Thanks for your input.
  • 5 > 210 > 15 should be fine.

    Keep in mind that the 210 is the feeder for commuters driving to L.A., so the rush hour is a real thing. Avoid the 210 westbound in the morning and eastbound in the evening.

    You didn't say where she's coming from, but just about any route from the north will have a grade. She'll have to tow over the grapevine if she's coming down the 5 or over the pass at Temecula if she tries to go around it to the east. The 101 isn't as steep, but it puts you in the belly of the beast and she'd have to drive through the San Fernando Valley, which is horrible 24/7/365.
  • Head east and don't stop until you hit the big muddy.