Forum Discussion

Tequila's avatar
Jun 04, 2018

Mexcio driving will now seem easy

Having been driving for a month in italy including Rome & Naples, Mexico will now seem like a piece of cake.
  • Driving Reforma and Insurgentes during rush hour was enough for me. Then get stuck on a via rapida for 10 Km and get dumped into a barrio with no signs at puesto del sol. I think navegator will get a few laughs out of this. This is where I learned the red and black arrow cross street hieroglyphics. Red two way arrow? Yuhhhhh, no turns. Gave a taxi driver two dollars the next day after spending the night in a one-quarter star hotel room (the bed had 79 springs - count em-) The taxiista said momentito went directly to a taco stand and ate breakfast then lead me out.

    Anytime a car pulls up alongside me on a sidewalk to beat the right turn red light I consider that to be my limit.
  • Dehli and Cairo vie for the worst traffic. Rome, Naples, Rio, Soul...child's play.
  • Rio de Janeiro

    you know those green, amber and red lights at the intersections

    Those are permanent Christmas decorations

  • Or Buenos Aries!

    Don't know why they waste paint to stripe the roads.

    Stop lights are merely "suggestions".

    Drove 3,000+ KM in Chile this winter-- no problem at all. Very enjoyable. Even huge Santiago was "civilized" driving.
  • The roads in Mexico are in better condition that the roads in California, sad to say.
  • I have driven in Rome and Naples and Rome was the worst of the two. But the worst place to drive was in Damascus where they have a big traffic circle that has no rules.
  • Driving in Seoul, Korea was the ultimate test of my driving skills and patience. So glad we have traffic laws in the US because there it was a free for all in Seoul. How are the road conditions in Mexico?