Forum Discussion

Canadian_Rainbi's avatar
Nov 27, 2013

Mexican rescue dogs may no longer be inported into Canada.

Just saw a news item on Global TV News.

Several puppies rescued, brought back to health and brought to Canada for new adopted families have been seized and will be returned to Mexico or euthanized.

It seems that rescued animals destined for adoption agencies are considered Commercial:

Here is a link to an official website.

Here is the pertinent paragraph:

"The import requirements for animal welfare organizations have changed.

In 2005, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) introduced a special policy under commercial imports to assist animal welfare organizations that were rescuing displaced dogs from the United States (U.S.) in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Effective November 1, 2013 this policy is no longer required and has been discontinued.

Please note that rescued dogs under eight months of age and destined for an animal welfare organization are no longer eligible for import. Rescued dogs eight months or older and destined for an animal welfare organization are eligible for import provided they meet import requirements for resale. See the Automated Import Reference System (AIRS) for more information.

Rescued dogs of any age may still be imported by an individual provided the animal is able to meet Canadian import conditions.

Return to footnote 1
  • There's an interesting update on this story at this link.

    Those folks never intended to keep the pups, as the original article stated. They were destined for six other homes, and there'd have been no problem had their importers said so and provided the necessary paperwork.

    Call me a cynic, but I have to wonder:
    Were the would-be "adopters" expecting to pay for the dogs (all puppies), and if so, how much?
  • Here here. We totally encourage individuals to take a dog home with them, but for mass importation so they can be "rescued" maybe we should rescue the dogs that are being destroyed in our countries first.
    Yes, I expect to get a lot of flack for this comment.
    My 3 year old Mexican dog, and 11 year old California rescue are currently laying beside me on the couch in the moho.
  • Most of us are animal lovers. But does it really make sense to take puppies from Mexico to either Canada or the U.S. I know for a fact in the area we reside (U.S.) they are euthanizing dogs daily. Lets save the ones at home first. It is unfortunate that we see dogs in distress here daily in Mexico, there are other ways to help.
  • All those "illegal immigrants" can stay but euthanize the puppies???
    That makes sense.............:S

    No wonder I left Canada and became a U.S. Citizen.....
  • The link I clicked took me to Canadian regulations.

    I found this:
    Puppies story and I see in the comments a rescue in Mexico has offered to take the puppies if they are sent back.
  • Spleenstomper wrote:
    I don't see any articles with a quick google about this-- about the siezed puppies who will be returned to Mexico.

    Didja miss the link I posted just before your post?

    Do be sure and watch the newsvid there- it clears things up pretty well. The folks that tried to bring the dogs in (presumably for dispersal to adoptive "families") are now saying that they intended to adopt the dogs themselves all along, despite having filled out paperwork to the contrary.
  • I don't see any articles with a quick google about this-- about the siezed puppies who will be returned to Mexico.