Just before you reach a Gusave there is an Exit on the right called Gusave /Sinaloa de Leyva! It runs parallel to 15D along side the elevated portion of the main highway. You reach a traffic light with a sign reading Playas las Glorias 42 Km. Follow that road for a few Km in the right hand lane. You will reach a traffic light and will notice beyond it that the road turns to dirt! Hang a right on pavement ( no signage) you will slowly enter an S turn and then will see a Playas las Glorias 38 Km ! Keep headed along that road which eventually comes to a T! Go left at the T and keep going until you reach the Boulevard de las Glorias ! Turn right and continue to the end of the bricks .Mr Morro is on the Left the gate will be open the sign is not visible from the road but the owner Tobo will meet you !