I can only remember one tire problem on the TOW Highway over the years. In 2011 we were still on the Canadian side headed for the Taylor hwy and got a puncture of a rear truck tire from a sharp rock. They had just put down some new crush shale on the area where we pulled off to have lunch. It provided something to do for a couple of hours while I changed the tire. Also pointed out why it is important to check the air pressure in your spare (which I hadn't) and why you shouldn't leave your 12 volt air compressor in your garage at homw. LOL I had my tire patch kit with me but without air, it was worthless. So we just took it slow and easy on the low pressure tire till we got to Tok.
On the half dozen or more trips over the TOW highway, this is the one that my wife and I remember the best and still laugh about. Any number of ways nails could have found their way on the roadway. Most likely is falling off a truck or trailer, going to/from one of the active mines on the road. The TOW is basiclly a mining road used by RVers as well. To many in the north country, the road is known as the 60 Mile Highway as it serves the 60 mile Mining District of Canada.