Slowing down is a function of mindset. I understand that those who are still employed and time is limited the long haul nonstop rush to get to a destination may be a necessity. Those of us that are retired and have the luxury of owning our own time have to break that mindset of rush rush rush. Get off the interstates and look at taking seconday roads. You see so much more of the landscape and the small towns.
Don't make reservations. There is always a campground to pull into or if need be Walmart. Reservations are for your destination only if planning on staying for any amount of time. We have enjoyed the less stress of taking the back roads and seeing things you normally would not bother with getting off the interstate to go see. I have never had a problem taking secondary roads. Yes, it is more stop and go but I find it less stressful than dealing with the Nascar wannabee's.