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New Gas Stations Are Opening

New and revamped stations that are appearing here in the northern part of Mexico. Change is coming.

More to come I'm sure.
2005 Dodge Durango Hemi
2008 Funfinder 230DS
Living and Boondocking Mexico Blog

And children fly free or half price? We ARE after all talking about the people who live here. I do not think the effects of the gasolinaza affect the extraneous very much at all. The ABC bus counter man in Tijuana said buying tickets online "es estabien". The men in the Vizcaino, San Ignacio,and Tecoman offices looked at me if I was insane "Ni modo hombre".

For a single person with money to burn, flying is faster. But then a family of four with a 15K annual income can afford six hundred dollars worth of airline tickets to fly to ZLO then hand a taxiista 400 pesos because there are no alternatives to get to town.

Kids fly free? And ABC on the wall in Vizcaino has los tarifas posted. Don't know what to tell you about your 2181 pesos. Buses must go like hell from Vizcaino south. About the 45% distance point. Last ABC bus was 16 hours, twenty minutes with no detours. Reality check. A thousand miles, nine stops. Eleven puestos de controles. Thirty seven mile per hour "average?". Why am I shaking my head?

Just telling you what the ABC website says when you purchase tickets on line. That aside, cheaper to fly.
2005 Dodge Durango Hemi
2008 Funfinder 230DS
Living and Boondocking Mexico Blog

Kids fly free? And ABC on the wall in Vizcaino has los tarifas posted. Don't know what to tell you about your 2181 pesos. Buses must go like hell from Vizcaino south. About the 45% distance point. Last ABC bus was 16 hours, twenty minutes with no detours. Reality check. A thousand miles, nine stops. Eleven puestos de controles. Thirty seven mile per hour "average?". Why am I shaking my head?


Are the buses better after the gasolinaza? No. Fewer potholes? Shirley you jest.

But it's 2017! Time to wake up and starve the family. Progress.

Why would the price of fuel affect road construction and quality?

One way adult fare is 2161 on the bus and 28 hours.

One way flying from Tijuana to Cabo is 1799 tax included and only takes 3 hours.

Why take a bus when you would have to pay for food as well?
2005 Dodge Durango Hemi
2008 Funfinder 230DS
Living and Boondocking Mexico Blog

My friends are MEXICAN not tourists. When the ONLY bus service charges two thousand seven hundred fifty four pesos for a ONE WAY bus ride Tijuana to San Lucas this is a LOT of money.

Are the buses better after the gasolinaza? No. Fewer potholes? Shirley you jest.

But it's 2017! Time to wake up and starve the family. Progress.

In San Luis Potosi. Magna is 15.78 a liter. Looks like the plan is working. Prices are moving down and maybe up in some places based on oil prices and the dollar.
2005 Dodge Durango Hemi
2008 Funfinder 230DS
Living and Boondocking Mexico Blog

qtla9111 wrote:

It's too bad Mexico's poor took it in the shorts to pay for the gasolinaza. Checked bus and taxi rates lately?

Good grief man, what part of the world are you living in?

No increases in taxis or city buses in Monterrey. It´s been talked about but nothing yet. City buses are concessions and make tons of money. They can´t raise rates on a whim, it has to be decided by state and local government via house of representatives.

Discounts in all major cities apply to elderly, children under 6 yrs old and students. In the Monterrey Metro areas, most students pay nothing, it's free if they apply for it.

I use Uber taxis. Clean, new, and cuts out the concessionaires as well as that stinky old union the CTM. Uber is about 40% cheaper than a street taxi, has a/c, they offer water, and use online maps to get you where you're going.

BTW, passed through Matehuala today and paid 15.93 for Magna. Wow, the price went down! Naysayers.

Exactly! The same old self appointed "Old Mexico Hands" never can see progress or anything new.

You can have ten years of experience or you can have ONE YEAR of experience ten times over. Too often it's the latter.

They cannot comprehend a Mexico that is different or progressing as it threatens their preconceived notions of where they have chosen to travel or live. They are stuck in the past, trying desperately to fend off change. Mexico is changing and they are not. they just can't take it.


It's too bad Mexico's poor took it in the shorts to pay for the gasolinaza. Checked bus and taxi rates lately?

Good grief man, what part of the world are you living in?

No increases in taxis or city buses in Monterrey. It´s been talked about but nothing yet. City buses are concessions and make tons of money. They can´t raise rates on a whim, it has to be decided by state and local government via house of representatives.

Discounts in all major cities apply to elderly, children under 6 yrs old and students. In the Monterrey Metro areas, most students pay nothing, it's free if they apply for it.

I use Uber taxis. Clean, new, and cuts out the concessionaires as well as that stinky old union the CTM. Uber is about 40% cheaper than a street taxi, has a/c, they offer water, and use online maps to get you where you're going.

BTW, passed through Matehuala today and paid 15.93 for Magna. Wow, the price went down! Naysayers.
2005 Dodge Durango Hemi
2008 Funfinder 230DS
Living and Boondocking Mexico Blog

Imports of comistibles extraneous have shot up 25% in volume since the beginning of the gasolinaza the first of the year. ULSD from JAPAN is now unloading at Manzanillo, Lazaro Cardenas but none at Salina Cruz up to last week. The tanker supply is miss and hit not guaranteed. No guarantees los expendidores are trucking UBA.

Mexico is damned near out of Tehuantepec light, which by itself is twice the baumé of fracked USA crude. This is why PEMEX did the two for one barrel swap with the USA over a year ago. Most of the Mexican crude is tar-like Maya. The price of asphalt (asphalt is not paving material until gravel is added) has declined. Moonbeam Brown in California is no dummy. He got a surtax on gasoline and is planning to use the lower cost asphalt to repave California highways.

This is like a jaw dropping juggler's circus. Refinery effort to process light stock is dramatically reduced. For instance at Shell Oil, when switching to Venezuelan Lagomar light to enema the process units before autumn process shutdown maintenance turnaround - heaters and reformers were backed off 80% while retaining full light oil processing output. Fracked USA crude is even lighter and sweeter than Lagomar.

Mexico's near bomblike refineries can take a breather. Maybe get vital maintenance performed. The alternative is not tolerable. YOUTUBE: REYNOSA REFINERY EXPLOSION.

It's too bad Mexico's poor took it in the shorts to pay for the gasolinaza. Checked bus and taxi rates lately?

I dream about an honest and effective Mexican Internal Revenue Service to permit the crooks the privilege pay or prison. About as likely as finding authentic Mexican comida in a tourist area.

fulltimedaniel wrote:
qtla9111 wrote:
Tvov wrote:
I don't know much about Mexico. So...

What is the big deal about gas stations? What was bad about the old ones?

Mexico´s oil industry was nationalized after the revolution. We are now in a period of energy reform and privatization. Before, there was only one oil company, one logo, franchises existed but they were heavily controlled by the Pemex oil company.

You should read up on Mexico. It´s a wonderful country and lots of people come here with their rvs. Great culture, people, food, music, etc.

Mexico does $580 billion dollars a year in trade with the U.S. and Canada. We´re neighbors!

I think your history needs a bit of clarification:

The Mexican Revolution took place in 1910 to 1920

The oil reserves and industry was nationalized on March 18th 1938.

That nationalization was a result of serious labor unrest among other issues.

Now Mexico at long last has seen the light and will allow competition to Pemex. Mexico is fundamentally a capitalist country with a Socialist Oil industry...this makes no economic sense. Thus the change.

What needed clarification?

My comment was a bit general, after all this isn't the History channel. People can always do a search to find historical information (as I recommended).

I guess you could say or I should have said, 79 years, 21 days, 3 hours and 25 minutes ago.
2005 Dodge Durango Hemi
2008 Funfinder 230DS
Living and Boondocking Mexico Blog

Comision federal de Electricidad tarifa basico y intermedio se augmentar a 20%.
Gasolinera Pemex in Houston Vende gasolinas for $1.00 gal less than Mexico, because property and labor costs way less than it does in La Prepublica.

Subsidized? Exactly what are you people smoking? You need to live IN MEXICO with Mexicanos, understand exactly how the proveedores are raising prices NOW because of the rise in price of los comistibles to see the effects. Pemex y la cruda was a gigante cash cow for los ricos en Mexico. I took the time in 2008 to actually WALK los edifiios y estancionamientos for Hacienda and Petroleos Mexicanos en Centro. BMWs, Lincoln Navigators, Audi's, Escalades.

Keep reading those newspapers. I am forced to deal with the books and el contador for a very large mercado y taller mechanico. Pemex went broke. You people argued that I was wrong a year ago and for me this forum is similar to watching un caricatura de Pato Pascual. It's actually sad. ADIOS...

It would be nice if you would write in one language or the other. I personally find your mash up of the two distracts from your point. We all get that you are able to speak Spanish as many here certainly are also.

moisheh wrote:
Without trying to be political Mexico needs a real President. This guy has done nothing. He is very unpopular with good reason.


If you are not trying to be political why inject politics into the discussion?

qtla9111 wrote:
Tvov wrote:
I don't know much about Mexico. So...

What is the big deal about gas stations? What was bad about the old ones?

Mexico´s oil industry was nationalized after the revolution. We are now in a period of energy reform and privatization. Before, there was only one oil company, one logo, franchises existed but they were heavily controlled by the Pemex oil company.

You should read up on Mexico. It´s a wonderful country and lots of people come here with their rvs. Great culture, people, food, music, etc.

Mexico does $580 billion dollars a year in trade with the U.S. and Canada. We´re neighbors!

I think your history needs a bit of clarification:

The Mexican Revolution took place in 1910 to 1920

The oil reserves and industry was nationalized on March 18th 1938.

That nationalization was a result of serious labor unrest among other issues.

Now Mexico at long last has seen the light and will allow competition to Pemex. Mexico is fundamentally a capitalist country with a Socialist Oil industry...this makes no economic sense. Thus the change.

We paid 17.13 per litre for diesel on April 2nd in Navajoa which fits in with your chart.
the 5C's
Big C & Mamma C
2 little c's (weiner dogs)
2001,39' RoseAir (Rexhall) DP with 2 slides
2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee