Forum Discussion

cheez4's avatar
Nov 13, 2017

New trailer, on line new 10 year TIP problem

Howdy campers...
I turned in my old 10 year TIP on my previous trailer knowing I was going to buy a new trailer. I have the receipt from the turned in old trailer TIP. Now I'm trying to get a new 10 year TIP on line.
I received my new truck TIP in the mail today. I went back on line to attempt to get a new 10 year trailer TIP and am having problems. After filling out all the forms I get ..." You have not reported your vehicle exit from your previous permit, you cannot continue with the present permit"...? Que pedo? I know I can try to get a new 10 year TIP at the border, but prefer to have all my paperwork/permits etc before I cross. Anyone know where I've messed this up? Any advice appreciated. Thanks
  • Temporary Importation Permit, TIP given to RV's andd personal vehicles entering Mexico.

  • I had this same exact problem last year. There was no problem with the Truck TIP, but Banjercito would not let me process my Trailer TIP as it thought the previous years had not been cancelled. It was and I had the receipt. Aduana showed it as having been cancelled. I ended up getting the new TIP done at Nogales KM21 with no problem or questions.
  • Trailers are not motor vehicles they are accessories. Supposed to exit Mexico when the TIP vehicle exits.

    At the TIP station they may do like they used to do and put a monster red rubber stamp ink across the paperwork marked


    If the personnel is so inclined have them annotate the serial number of the trailer under the annotation. This stops further confusion or delays. Some exit personnel are walking nightmares in demanding absolute perfection in the cancellation process.
  • I don't know how they did things in the past, I've only been going to Mexico in my vehicle for 12 years. I have the receipt for the canceled, old, trailer TIP, all done properly, with a hand held computer, by the attendant. I just want a new 10 year TIP for my new trailer. I want to do this properly, legally, to avoid trouble. Now, trying to do this correctly on line, all I get is frustration. Try calling to Banjercito with little Spanish skills.
    Maybe we need a big red rubber stamp instead of by computer, I don't know.

    I will get this straightened out at the border. Thank you all for replying to my problem.

    Wishing you all miles of smiles!
  • I always keep the receipt that proves when and where the last TIP was turned in and bring it with me the following year I get a TIP. One year I didn't - it's very hard to prove a negative.
  • Please correct me if this is wrong: If a trailer and truck are crossing the truck gets a regular 6 month TIP. BUT the trailer gets a 10 year TIP. Trailer has to be an RV. Not a utility trailer.

  • As I understand it, you are correct Moisheh. The FAQ section at the top of the forum covers the latest TIP information. However, I don't know about the utility trailer question.
  • It has to be an RV. NO UTILITY trailers. But sometimes you can put a small trailer on your vehicle permit.
