sperduton wrote:
... When you go up 125, do you get on 16 at the first place it crosses 16 (where it still appears to be a turnpike?) or do you continue up 125 Through Rochester and get on up there?
At the North end of 125 you get on 16 at the first point it crosses, don't continue into Rochester. That will be in the town of Gonic and yes the maps do say Spaulding turnpike but you will get on after the last toll. The point you get on 16 is at exit 12 on 16. Over the years they have done a LOT of work on that section of 16 and the road it very wide.
If you come back the same way you will see many signs going Southbound for 125 but only take exit 12 off of 16 onto 125.
Enjoy your trip. :)