Forum Discussion

bronxboy1412's avatar
Jul 02, 2013

north to new hampshire

The middle of august we will be leaving central Florida for Alton NH.We have driven on I-95 many times and would like to visit some nice places along the way.We have about 7-10 days for the trip north,usually driving between 200-250 miles per day.Any route suggestion and stops along the way would be greatly appreciated.We are not limited to I-95.
  • That time of year you should high tail it to get into the New England area and away from the heat as fast as you can...

    Cape Cod is wonderful in August, Newport RI is superb! The coast of Maine is nice and cool and lots to see. Boston and Plymouth Ma is great.....

    Or you could head to western Connecticut and Western Mass and go into NH through Vermont.
  • Could cross Chesapeak Bay Bridge Tunnel,go up Rt 13 to Upper Delaware and then head for Lancaster County Pa. Big Amish Presence From There to Delaware Water Gap. Take I80 E to I95 and Continue
  • Last time we came north along the coast, we stopped at Savannah (the historic section is beautiful) and Charleston (to see the city, the Hunley and Fort Sumpter) the took the two boat rides (one is inexpensive the other is free) over to Hatteras. That leads you to Norfolk and Virginia Beach. Then you can also stop at the Mariner's Museum in Newport News where they are working on Monitor parts. You are still on your way to DC and the Smithsonian but parking is a bear, then National Zoo a little better. If you choose to go on to Baltimore to the National Aquarium, that is a good stop. Philadelphia is full of good things to see and we haven't even gotten to New Jersey yet and you are probably out of time.
