Forum Discussion

Jun 02, 2018

Once Again BANCOMER Is Playing Games

COSTCO Mexico uses Bancomer. Today I made a purchase using my VISA then after going home verified the purchase. The store had a large sign near the cash registers TIPO de CAMBIO 19.55

My purchase analysis revealed a Bancomer exchange rate of 17.45. And that excludes taxes the foreign exchange fee for my bank. The gross exchange rate is more than two pesos meaning ten percent stingy.

I stopped using Bancomer when the ATMs played games when the exchange rate changed rapidly and the machines claimed my balance in my USA account was $00.00 Bncomer's fee still remains at 81.90 pesos per transaction -- that I perused last week.

Well, that learned me. My VISA card stays in my wallet. Buy a thousand dollars worth of stuff and donate a hundred dollars to BLANK HOMER, I don't think so. They make Wells Fargo look like a Seminary.