May 29, 2019Explorer
Oregon Highway 22 Closures
For anyone planning to use Hwy 22 between Grand Ronde and Hebo/Pacific City there are planned closures for a culvert replacement. Read the press release below.
May 16, 2019 For more information: Lou Torres, 503-986-2880
5-77-R2 louis.c.torres@odot.state.or.us
Sourgrass Creek culvert project to begin
Delays expected on OR 22 between Hebo and Grand Ronde
DOLPH JUNCTION—A culvert replacement project at Sourgrass Creek will cause traffic delays on OR 22 between Hebo and Grand Ronde in western Yamhill County. The project starts later this month and includes several full weekend closures of OR 22 with the first one scheduled on May 31 to June 2.
The project will replace a failing culvert with a bridge on OR 22 near mile point 11.3, about three quarters of a mile east of Dolph Junction (OR 130/OR 22). The construction work will require single lane closures and 24 hour traffic control by flaggers. There are currently four weekend closures scheduled that will last from Friday at 7 p.m. to Monday at 6 a.m. during the following weekends:
May 31 to June 2;
June 7 to June 9;
June 14 to June 16; and
October 25 to October 27.
The weekend closures are complete closures with no thru traffic allowed to use the road at mile point 11.3. The contractor can close the road for two additional weekends if needed. During the closures, traffic will be detoured using U.S. 101 and OR 18.
Variable message signs will be posted at various locations to warn travelers of the construction and potential delays.
Access for pedestrians, including those with disabilities, will be available and identified through or around the work zones.
For updates on traffic, go to www.TripCheck.com or call 511.
May 16, 2019 For more information: Lou Torres, 503-986-2880
5-77-R2 louis.c.torres@odot.state.or.us
Sourgrass Creek culvert project to begin
Delays expected on OR 22 between Hebo and Grand Ronde
DOLPH JUNCTION—A culvert replacement project at Sourgrass Creek will cause traffic delays on OR 22 between Hebo and Grand Ronde in western Yamhill County. The project starts later this month and includes several full weekend closures of OR 22 with the first one scheduled on May 31 to June 2.
The project will replace a failing culvert with a bridge on OR 22 near mile point 11.3, about three quarters of a mile east of Dolph Junction (OR 130/OR 22). The construction work will require single lane closures and 24 hour traffic control by flaggers. There are currently four weekend closures scheduled that will last from Friday at 7 p.m. to Monday at 6 a.m. during the following weekends:
May 31 to June 2;
June 7 to June 9;
June 14 to June 16; and
October 25 to October 27.
The weekend closures are complete closures with no thru traffic allowed to use the road at mile point 11.3. The contractor can close the road for two additional weekends if needed. During the closures, traffic will be detoured using U.S. 101 and OR 18.
Variable message signs will be posted at various locations to warn travelers of the construction and potential delays.
Access for pedestrians, including those with disabilities, will be available and identified through or around the work zones.
For updates on traffic, go to www.TripCheck.com or call 511.