TurboJeep wrote:
Damn do I wish I had posted this sooner. Now our heads are spinning.
That's part of the fun of planning a trip. :)
I really recommend making a list of all the places you want to see. Then, have each family member rate them 1 to 4. Any place that gets all ones is non-negotiable - you're going to see it. Any place that gets all fours is dropped - it isn't that important to any of you. Each person should have at least one of their top-rated places in the mix.
The ones with the mixed ratings are where you start looking at logistics of driving, etc. If you have have a place that is out of the way logistically to your top-rated places, then put it on the "potentially cut" list; if it's convenient to your top-rated places, then put it on the "potentially retained" list. Then, looking at the time frames, add as many "potentially retained" as possible. If you can fit them all in and have additional time, start adding in "potentially cut" places.