Forum Discussion

4runnerguy's avatar
Feb 09, 2017

Porteau Cove CG and Trains

I know that the tracks run right next to the CG, but read different things about the frequency at night. One blog even suggested they don't run trains at night anymore past the park. Anyone stay there in the last year or so to give me some insight?

  • Yeah, I'll probably try to get in. The train here at home is 800m away, so although we hear the rumble, it's not right on us.

    Now I just have several weeks wait before the reservation window opens up!
  • The trains roll thru often enough. If a person dislikes the noise and rumble, even once is enough. Those that love the the stuff. In looking for schedule far as the night trains...there is no posted sked. It seems that they run as needed..and at Porteau Cove, they are going both directions, so the likelihood of traffic is high. It really is a great spot so try to not be put off.

    Gary Haupt
  • We stayed at Porteau Cove for 6 nights over New Year's. The train went through once during the night most nights, but not all. After we knew what it was, we just rolled over and went back to sleep. The schedule may be different in the summer - you may want to contact the railway and ask them? ( great campsite!