Forum Discussion

TexasChaps's avatar
Jul 16, 2016

Preferred route

Hi all,

I am looking for route suggestions from Houston TX to hot springs SD

thank you.
  • your way sounds fine. we have used 287 from Childress to get over to 281 and it's a good road.
  • Of course I would go up through Colorado, but maybe you would prefer not to go that way. I prefer the mountains to the plains so I would stay on 287 to Amarillo, then through Dumas and Dalhart to Raton and pick up I-25.

    In fact we did that a few years ago when we went to Custer, SD. We had stops in Colorado Springs and Estes Park which are always worth a visit.

    I'm not recommending, just commenting on my own preference. We didn't have a minutes trouble going through Denver, but others have not been so fortunate.

    We just got back from a trip that included Cheyenne Mountain State Park at Colorado Springs and Mueller State Park just up the road near Woodland Park and Divide, CO.

    It just so happens that for reasons I need not go into here, we had to drive all the way across Kansas (East to West) and the plains of Eastern Colorado, so my prejudice was reaffirmed.
  • Thanks, but we are much further east than you.. so I was thinking hwy 6/I35N to Waco/fort worth then 287 to Childress and then get on 83 ?
  • we live just north of San Antonio and go up that way every year.
    sometimes, we take I 10 out to Junction and go north on 83 all the way to I 80
    othertimes, we take I 10 to 83, then up to 87 and up to Amarillo where we get over to 385 and go all the way to Hot Springs on it.
    Some of the road is way good, some not so good, but not a lot of traffic on 385.
    83 is fine, gets a little busy up by Garden City and Liberal KS, but otherwise, not bad at all.
    Little towns in KS and CO both have city parks with RVs welcome overnight..some have hookups, most do not.
    Sidney NE has Cabela's rv park or free truck parking..or you can stay overnight at Walmart...big parking lot there.
    Alliance NE has a small rv park along the highway.
    Bon Voyage! :)