The above image is of our NEW 1988 Bluebird. We have not really travelled Mexico past Kino for a number of years. Mostly due to health problems. I am doing much better and for the last 12 months I have been looking for a nice unit that can withstand Mexican roads and Topes. Now that I finally have something I don't know if we will ever get to travel to the south. Our Mexican friends that often go to Maz for Semana Santa now fly as they are afraid of road travel. From Kino many do not travel beyond Guaymas. Without stirring up something against the rules crime is up double digits. The differences is not that crime is worse it is that the problem is not usually drug related. It is the common criminal or Wanabees. They jack cars, rob bus passengers and more. Even in old Kino robberies are on the rise. This normally Sleepy Hollow. We are considering selling our house and moving into one of the Trailer Parks. Some have closed and others are at less than 50% capacity. It is true that RV'rs are not normally the targets of professional criminals. But these 2 bit nut cases do not really care. RV travel in Mexico will just disappear. I am hoping that with the change of Government policing will become a priority. In the meantime we will go to Penasco, San Carlos and Arizona/ California . maybe some of the mission routes in Sonora. What a shame.