free radical wrote:
Little Kopit wrote:
Wood, a couple of members have commented that they had wood and it was taken.
OF course, wood will always be taken. It always carries critters who can burrow into it.
In fact some states and provinces are taking steps to restrict the movement of wood from section of their territory to another part of their territory. One of our municipalities spent mega $ recently to cut down trees seen to have Dutch Elm disease. This transporting of cut wood is one of the ways such diseases get spread.
I wonder just how effective these bans are,,after all bugs can fly
long distances anyways..
Not all bugs fly. And Not all bugs that burrow into wood to deposit larvae, live or eat fly. AND those that do fly can be territorial and live in a small geographic environment and those that don't often have short lifespans that preclude surviving a long trip. A few are wanderers and may get blown about by the wind and a few do migrate but I don't think those are the main concern.
I know it's hard for some to beleive but the Biologists and Entomologists actually know what they are doing when they make these kinds of rules.