Thanks for suggestions and links. I found the coupon book. The specific things we were looking for aren't in it, but we'll look again.
Perhaps I will forward mail to our son and he can go through it and open what looks vital. We really got into planning last night and I am in the process of printing these forum pages so I can read them better. Somehow on paper I can concentrate better then on a I tried to open that last RollCall sign and my computer didn't like there a graphic on it?? Kept telling me it couldn't convert the graphic. Maybe tonight if I get the rest of the last few pages of posts read, I will find out something else I missed.
We got the Alaska Camping book by Church and it has a LOT of good general info. Will wait a bit before I download the updates as y'all early travelers might add to it before we actually get headed north from our conference in Portland.
Was thinking of printing one roll call paper, putting it in a sheet protector and taping to back of trailer, as there are no windows back there. That is, if dearhubby will let me put tape on the outside Funny how people that hear about our trip ask about how cold it will be. Having trouble convincing people that it isn't always cold and snow in AK. We enjoyed our cruise/tour in the 90's and didn't hardly have to wear coats on land. We'll be prepared but not worried...