May-21-2013 05:18 PM
Jan-09-2014 06:04 PM
Jan-09-2014 01:00 PM
CA Traveler wrote:mclee47 wrote:The recommendation is to have good tires and not worry about the spare. Sure a problem will result in time and money.
Several times I have run across the topic of spare tires for the Alaska trip. I will be towing a Jeep Wrangler and it has a spare on the rear tailgate. However, what is the recommendation for a motor home? MH tires are huge, and it would be difficult to find a put one.
One person after getting new tires welded up a bracket to carry the best old tire sans rim on the back. He also logs 19K miles every year.
BTW I haven't had a MH spare for 10 years.
Jan-09-2014 11:22 AM
mclee47 wrote:The recommendation is to have good tires and not worry about the spare. Sure a problem will result in time and money.
Several times I have run across the topic of spare tires for the Alaska trip. I will be towing a Jeep Wrangler and it has a spare on the rear tailgate. However, what is the recommendation for a motor home? MH tires are huge, and it would be difficult to find a put one.
Jan-09-2014 09:06 AM
mclee47 wrote:
Several have recommended driving "according to conditions." Could you provide some examples (Speeds and location types)?
Jan-09-2014 08:46 AM
Jan-08-2014 09:35 AM
bgnmky wrote:My copymclee47 wrote:
I heard from Amazon yesterday that the Church camping book is shipping about a month early, and I should have my copy by January 8.
Interesting I just checked my amazon order and still showing Feb shipment…I am hoping it is earlier!
I know we can read the book, but I was curious if we can get a list of people's favorite campgrounds and IF they have to make advanced reservations.
Jan-08-2014 08:59 AM
Jan-08-2014 05:05 AM
Jan-07-2014 07:45 PM
Jan-07-2014 07:35 PM
Jan-07-2014 12:37 PM
Jan-07-2014 11:36 AM
Jan-07-2014 09:29 AM
Jan-07-2014 09:29 AM
mclee47 wrote:
Several have recommended driving "according to conditions." Could you provide some examples (Speeds and location types)?
Jan-07-2014 08:54 AM