The Richardson Highway, is it the one that we see the Glacier, I beleive it is the Matunuska?
Unless one drove from Anchorage to Valdez on the Glenn/Richardson and took the same return, one would not cover the entire span twice. Only the Glennallen - Valdez portion....that portion does not include the view of the Matanuska glacier.
I believe the glacier in question is the Worthington Glacier which is located on the Richardson Hwy., roughly 28 miles from Valdez and just on the north side of Thompson Pass.
July 1993 - Worthington Glacier :

I almost fell in a crevice here while walking on it, and sounded like a lightning storm 50 times louder when the ice was cracking...sure made me respect the dangers more than ever.
By the way, at this time of posting, it is currently -41 below F outside at my location.