Sue, you need to move to town. Currently, 5:30 AM your time, the Whitehorse airport is reporting a temperature of -2.2°F with 8 miles visibility and a cloud base of 9500 ft. Nice day for flying there in that part of the Yukon.
Of course, you may be far enough north of town that the warm air (relatively speaking) that comes up toward Whitehorse, from Skagway doesn't effect you guys that much. Whitehorse weather tends to be a lot like that of Meziadin Junction and Dease Lake on the Cassiar Hwy, both of which get warm, wet weather funneled up the valley where they are located from the coastal regions. Lots of snow involved but not the super cold temperatures located north or south of all of them.
Even in the summer time, the coastal weather can move into the Dease Lake area and make flying fun and exciting. But all you have to do is move over to the east, a few miles and follow the old, never completed railroad bed, to Dease Lake and then cut north to pop out at the village of Atlin, then to Carcross and on to Whitehorse for fuel. Or go even farther east and fly up the length of Williston Lake and pop out at Watson Lake and on north.
So, if a person is RVing in one of these areas in the summer time and run into to sloppy wet overcast weather, often times just going a few more miles, 20 or 30 miles north or south will get a person into some nice camping weather. Or maybe not. LOL