Back in Whitehorse after doing the infamous Beaver Creek to Destruction Bay portion of the highway.
Must say that after reading here & talking to some, we found the road, for the most part, to be a breeze. Yes, there are a few sections under repair requiring the 'follow me' truck. Yes, there are a few sections which need to be gotton to by the repair people. Yes, there are some ferocious potholes to avoid. Yes, there are whoop dee doos to slow for. However, if driven at an appropriate speed it is no problem at all.
Had one zoom past us with a TT yesterday only to be past by us an hour later, broken down at the side of the road. Also saw a very nice class A broken down juist past a rough section & a Hitch Hiker 5er with running gear problems, tow truck at site. Vacations ruined for the sake of too much speed.
Tok to Whitehorse has taken us 3 days stopping at Snag Jct Gov CG & Pine Lake Gov CG.